One of the most painful experiences felt as a photographer is the moment you check your photos realising that you have completely missed the focus on an image or set of images that can’t be reshot.
This is a common problem, however there are focusing techniques that you can use to help increase your accuracy to capture images with perfect focus more often than not.
In this video tutorial by Phil Steele you will learn five professional techniques for focusing your DSLR and overcoming problem situations.
(Don’t forget to check out Phil’s photography tutorials…)
1. ) How To Manually Select Your Camera’s Focus Point
It’s important that you stop using the automatic mode on your DSLR camera in order to improve as a photographer and switching to another mode such as program, aperture, shutter or manual will actually give you more creative control.
2. ) How To Quickly Focus & Recompose Your Shot
The majority of digital cameras have the ability to select from multiple focus points, but if you’re pushed for time it isn’t always possible to choose the appropriate focus point without missing the photo. Sometimes you don’t want your subject in the center of your frame, composing using the rule of thirds with your subject off to one side is a perfect example.
In this case you’ll find it much easier and faster to simply focus on your subject using the existing focus point that your digital camera is set on and then holding down your shutter button halfway to lock your focus, then simply reposition your subject within the frame and finally push the shutter button completely down to take the photo.
3. ) How To Configure Your DSLR Focus Settings
Occasionally you might experience difficulty focusing because your digital camera can’t find any contrast to focus and lock onto… for example, if you point your camera at the open sky or at a smooth, blank surface your camera’s autofocus will in most cases find it difficult to lock onto anything. So, what exactly is your digital cameras autofocus looking for? Edges and contrast…
4. ) What Is Manual Pre-Focus & When You Should Use It
A lot of photographers rely on automatic focus for all of their photography, but there are certain situations where switching to manual focus will assist in capturing better photographs. Sport, wildlife or action photography are all great examples of where autofocus may not focus in time and therefore your only option will be to manual pre-focus in advance.
5. ) How To Manually Focus Using “Live View” Mode
If your subject is a long distance away or your depth of field is very shallow or you simply have trouble looking through a viewfinder, accurate focusing can become very difficult. But have you ever considered focusing through your digital cameras “Live View” mode?
If you liked this video tutorial and are interested in learning more about how to improve your digital photography skills, please head over and take a look at Phil’s website where you’ll find a variety of valuable resources specifically on photography.

Thanks Phil, a very useful tutorial. I love the bass guitar, it seems a lot of photographers have a passion for music.
New to digital photography and find your tutorials invaluable…